Lovely painting of a village scene duly signed by the late renowned Haitian painter, Étienne Chavannes! The artwork is sold in its original mahogany frame. It, unfortunately, has a hole due to moving. It is sold AS-IS and its price reflects its fair condition.
Haitian painter Étienne Chavannes was born in Cap Haïtien on July 15, 1939, and died on August 18, 2018. The late famous primitive master Philomé Obin was his art instructor in 1967, and the late famous Haitian master Néhémy Jean supervised his continuing artistic development. In 1971, he joined the Centre d'Art.
Chavannes typically paints crowd scenes, such as religious celebrations, funerals, and sports events. In 1978, the Brooklyn Museum in New York City exhibited his works. The collections of the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut, the Waterloo Museum of Art in Iowa, and the New Orleans Museum of Art permanently showcase his arts.
"Chavannes inherited very personal style from the Cap Haitian tradition. He most often depicts daily chores in the country." (Gérald Alexis, Peintres Haitiens)
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